Our Services

With 1 out of every 3 U.S. health care dollars emanating from Washington, the federal government is the largest payer of health services in the United States and accounted for 42% of all national health spending in 2021. As our country ages, these forces are only accelerating and Medicare spending alone is projected to increase by 7.5% annually through 2031.


With 1 out of every 3 U.S. health care dollars emanating from Washington, the federal government is the largest payer of health services in the United States and accounted for 42% of all national health spending in 2021. As our country ages, these forces are only accelerating and Medicare spending alone is projected to increase by 7.5% annually through 2031.

For healthcare companies that depend on government revenue – or are downstream from it – policymakers are among your most important customers. Often perceived as a “nice-to-have,” having internal, professional government affairs expertise is no longer a luxury – it is an essential corporate positioning and sales function. To account for this, many companies contract with Washington-based corporate lobbying firms. However, a hired gun with multiple clients will never care as much as you do about your company’s future. That is why today’s healthcare environment requires companies establish a properly motivated, strategic thinking and in-house advocacy operation to direct your interests in front of policymakers and unlock value

You will be "platformed" in our nation's capital.

What separates advocacy operations of healthcare companies from others is the strength of your in-house government affairs infrastructure, and that is what Platform Government Strategies will help you build or improve.

During the course of our engagement, you will have a fully functioning in-house government affairs operation primed to become part of – and have an impact on – the national health policy debate.



How to Fish

We will guide you in building out a government affairs function complete with developing realistic policy priorities, creating a structure, developing a strategy, identifying how to present both internally and externally, creating a budget, and hiring your first talented lead.

How to Swim

We offer health policy analysis, strategy and advice plus traditional government affairs assistance including help navigating Congress and the healthcare regulatory agencies.

What to Say & How to Say It

We will develop thought leadership framing, strategy, writing, messaging and intentional executive participation. This includes a policy based social media presence and navigation of the many government facing policy panel opportunities. In addition, you’ll know how to professionally respond to Congressional and agency comment opportunities, how to have impactful Capitol Hill, White House or agency meetings and build a strategy around those opportunities.

Where to Be

No one advocates alone, so we’ll help you develop an overall strategy to position your priorities complete with trade association identification and navigation. 

How to Relate

The power to affect policy doesn’t come from talking in DC or a state capital, it’s how you present your company offering services to an elected official’s constituents. We’ll help you take your advocacy out of Washington and into the state or district where it’s more powerful.

How to Improve & Keep Going

Everybody needs help but few have the expertise to assist; we offer government affairs professional career coaching because, well, we’ve been there.

How to Be Flexible & Influential

You’re used to markets and the economy changing and government is no different as the political and policy environment constantly evolves; we offer opportunistic strategic advice and how to be fearless in pursuit of your priorities.